Thursday, 4 August 2011

New Office!

We're all primed and ready here at Absolute-Snow to up-desks and move over to our new office, all the way in..... the other side of the building! Hardly big news I know, but we're still pretty excited! It's a much bigger space and with the company getting bigger and bigger we just couldn't cope in the old space!

Check out some pictures below. Trust us, it'll never be this tidy again!

With all the new team members and the truck loads of 2012 season gear coming in very soon, we need all the space we can get! (check out some pre-orders of 2012 gear here, including Endeavor Snowboards, DC Boards and boots and Rossignol skis, with more being added every day!)

Make sure you check back on a regular basis to get your hands on the first lot of next season's gear!

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